Warnung: Les composants qui ne sont pas régis par une norme, comme les raccords pour tubes Swagelok, ne doivent jamais être mélangés/intervertis avec ceux d’autres fabricants.
Kit de support de montage d’actionneur pour vanne à boisseau sphérique série 63 (actionneurs modèles 131/151)
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Wählen Sie aus einer Vielfalt von Ersatzteilen und Zubehör für unsere Sweagelok-Ventile aus.
Features: 1/8 to 2 in. and 6 to 25 mm sizes; Stainless steel, carbon steel, brass, and special alloy materials; On-off (2-way) and switching (3-way) valves; Compensating seat design; Live-loaded, two-piece stem packing
Features: Swagelok® electric actuators can be used to control the position of many Swagelok ball valves; alternating- and direct-current models are available. An electrical signal is used to change valve position from remote locations. Integral limit switches provide an output signal of the valve position, even between positions.
Features: 40G, 40, 60, 83, H83, SK, and FKB Series Valves, AFS Ball Valves; Calculate valve operating torque; Choose actuators and related components; Select mounting bracket kits
Features: Rack and pinion pneumatic actuators, solenoid valves, and limit switches; ISO 5211-compliant pneumatic actuators, solenoid valves, limit switches, and position sensors; Complete actuated assemblies and kits for field assembly available
Features: Operating temperatures up to 400°F (204°C); Working pressures up to 2200 psig (151 bar); Stainless steel or carbon steel construction
Scope: This technical report is an overview of the unique concerns that must be addressed in order to handle oxygen safely. It is based on information found in the many source documents available from the publishers listed and is provided as a service to our customers.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok® Company and its suppliers to ensure compliance with product cleanliness requirements as stated in ASTM G93 Level C. Application of the document is limited to wetted system components. This document must be used in conjunction with product catalogs, technical bulletins, and reports.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok Company for producing stainless steel products intended for photovoltaic (PV) applications.
Warning Before servicing any installed valve, you must depressurize system, cycle valve.
60 Series Flange Seal Installation
Warning: Before servicing any installed valve, you must depressurize the system cycle valve Mounting Namur Style Bracket to 2-way 60 series ball valve.
Mounting Bracket Kit Contents; Actuator Kit Contents; Tools Required; Actuator Preparation; Valve Preparation; Mounting Instructions.
Caution: Pneumatic actuator operation is sensitive to valve packing nut adjustment.
Disassemble the cover screws, set them aside, and remove cover; Install wiring as indicated by wiring schematic.
S60P steam series ball valve maintenance instructions
Technische Daten
Attribute | Wert |
Körperwerkstoff | 316 Stainless Steel |
Reinigungsverfahren | Nettoyage et conditionnement standard (SC-10) |
Für Serie | 63 Series |
eClass (4.1) | 27221302 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37010401 |
eClass (6.0) | 37019204 |
eClass (6.1) | 37019204 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141607 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40141600 |
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