Swagelok® Dichtmittel
Swagelok Rohrgewindedichtnmittel ermöglichen eine leckdichte Abdichtung in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen und verbessern die Systemsicherheit, und Rohrverschlussstopfen für Wärmetauscher können das Leben Ihres Wärmetauschers verlängern und so die Wartungskosten reduzieren.
View SealantsSwagelok pipe thread sealants provide leak-tight sealing in a variety of applications due to compatibility with a variety of chemicals. They are rated for a range of system pressures and temperatures.
- Swagelok SWAK™ anerobic pipe thread sealant is quick and easy to apply and clings to threads without shredding or tearing on assembly. It lubricates threads, preventing costly thread damage due to galling and seizing during assembly. SWAK also cures to a bond that resists vibration or shock and allows low-breakaway torque for easy-to-break connections even after fully cured.
- Swagelok® PTFE-free thread sealant works similarly to SWAK, sealing immediately in applications where PTFE-based sealants are undesirable
- Swagelok® PTFE tape pipe thread sealant conforms to Commercial Item Description A-A-58092 and can be used on male tapered pipe threads at temperatures up to 450°F (232°C)
Swagelok® TP series heat exchanger tube plugs can extend the life of your heat exchanger by sealing the ends of leaking tubes. A uniform taper and smooth surface finish promote positive sealing with minimum force required for installation. Tube plugs are available in a variety of materials for system compatibility.
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Sealant Categories

Pipe Thread Sealants
Pipe thread sealants are compatible with a wide range of chemicals, enabling leak-tight sealing in a variety of applications.

Tube Plugs
Heat exchanger tube plugs seal the ends of leaking tubes, providing longer use of the heat exchanger.
Finden Sie detaillierte Produktinformationen, einschließlich Werkstoffe, Druck- und Temperaturbereiche, Optionen und Zubehör.
Swagelok's Snoop liquid leak detector exposes gas leaks while pipe thread sealants SWAK, PTFE and PTFE-free tape and thread lubricant Goop can help prevent future leaks.
Heat exchanger tube plugs seal the ends of leaking tubes, providing longer use of the heat exchanger. The uniform taper and the smooth surface finish assure positive sealing with minimum installation force.

Lecksuche in Druckgassystemen
Erhalten Sie Unterstützung bei der Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von Druckgaslecks , damit Sie die größten Probleme so priorisieren können, dass diese basierend auf ihrem Potenzial für Emissionsreduzierung, Sicherheit, Kosten und Produktivitätsverbesserungen bearbeitet werden.
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Lecksuche in DruckgassystemenSwagelok Ressourcen, die wir für Sie zusammengestellt haben

Swagelok Fluidsystemexperten mit gründlicher technischer und Anwendungsexpertise helfen Kunden dabei, Leckagen in ihren Fluidsystemen zu finden, darauf einzugehen und diese zu verhindern. Lernen Sie mehr über die Erfolge dieser Kunden.

Common Causes and Costs of Fluid System Leaks
The smallest leak can present a serious issue when maintaining your plant’s safety and profitability. Understand how and why leaks occur, how to locate and test for them, and ultimately how to develop a strategy to address and reduce leaks plant-wide.

Combating Common Fluid System Leaks in Tire Facilities
Tire manufacturers can grow accustomed to leaking process pipes, but system leaks can pose significant safety hazards and drain profitability. Learn how to identify common leak sources throughout a plant and how to fix them.

How to Avoid System Leaks: The Importance of Proper Tube Preparation
A successful tube fitting installation depends on many criteria, but one of the most important is proper tube preparation before installation. Learn to avoid costly or dangerous leaks by avoiding damaged, burred, or improperly cut tubes.