Raccords Ultra-Torr Swagelok pour le vide®
Proposés sous la forme de raccords droits ou de tés, les raccords et adaptateurs pour le vide Swagelok sont faciles à monter et à démonter, d’où un gain de temps et la garantie de résultats reproductibles dans des applications sous vide.
View Ultra-Torr Vacuum FittingsSwagelok® Ultra-Torr vacuum fittings are ideal for making quick, easily removed vacuum seals, such as those required when connecting systems to helium leak detectors or connecting metal to glass tubing. These fittings provide consistent seal performance through repeated disconnects and reassemblies in vacuum pressure systems.
Ultra-Torr vacuum fittings feature a knurled nut that allows easy, finger-tight assembly and reliable, repeatable sealing performance. The fitting’s fluorocarbon FKM O-ring seals tightly to glass, metal, or plastic tubing, allowing their use in a variety of vacuum applications.
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Catalogues des raccords Ultra-Torr pour le vide
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即使是有经验的专业人员也会遇到识别螺纹的困难。世伟洛克产品经理 Andy Hitchcock 解释如何使用游标卡尺、螺纹规和螺纹识别指南识别接头上的螺纹尺寸和螺距。




真空 (Ultra-Torr) 接头
世伟洛克真空接头提供可靠、可重复的密封性能。滚花螺母设计易于装配和重新装配,因此可实现低维护运行。接头 O 型圈可在玻璃、金属或塑料卡套管上进行密封。有 Ultra-Torr 直通和三通可供选择。