世伟洛克® 调压阀
我们的产品系列包括:用于测试环境中精确控制的分析和仪器调压阀(K 系列)、用于大规模工业应用的工艺调压阀(工艺调压阀和 RHPS 系列)、用于清洁工艺的高纯度高流量调压阀(HF 系列)、用于样品制备的汽化减压调压阀(KEV 和 KSV 系列)、用于连续气流的气瓶切换调压阀(KCM 系列)以及用于危险流体储存安全的罐封调压阀。
无论您是需要在分析或仪表环境中保持下游或上游的压力(K 系列),还是需要在具有挑战性的工业环境中控制压力(RHPS 系列),是在高纯度、高流量的应用(HF 系列),还是在含有危险液体的储罐系统(罐封),我们都有满足您需求的配置。在这里提供的产品资料中查找详细的产品信息,包括结构材料、额定压力和温度、选购件及附件。
减压型, 背压型, 弹簧-、圆顶- 和空气加载, 1/2 至 1 1/2 in. 端接, 工作压力可达 6,000 psig (413 bar), 温度 –45 至 180°C (–49 至 356°F)
Swagelok offers pressure-reducing and vapor recovery (back-pressure) tank blanketing regulators for systems requiring an inert gas in the vapor space of a storage tank.
结构设计紧凑,流量达 200 std L/min, 最大进口压力达 500 psig (34.4 bar), 手动可调的出口压力达 150 psig (10.3 bar), 316L VIM-VAR 不锈钢阀体用于超高纯应用, 1/4 in. VCR® 金属面密封;1/4 in. 卡套管对焊;1.5 in. 和 1.125 in. 封模块化表面安装端接
减压型, 背压型, 弹簧, 圆顶和空气加载, 1/4 至 4 in. 端接, 工作压力可达 10 150 psig (700 bar), 温度–20 至 80°C(–4 至 176°F)


管理调压阀的供压效应 (SPE)

How to Minimize Droop
Droop, or the decrease in outlet pressure as downstream flow increases, can be an issue for all regulators. Watch this video to discover considerations for minimizing droop in a pressure-reducing regulator.

Heated Regulators (KEV Series) Solution Spotlight
Discover how the reliable Swagelok® KEV Series Heated Regulator for analytic sampling systems responds to changes in operator inputs, ambient temperatures, and other operating conditions to deliver consistent, reliable performance.

How to Use a Regulator to Reduce Time Delay in an Analytical Instrumentation System
Time delay is often underestimated or misunderstood in analytical systems. One way to mitigate this delay is with a pressure-controlled regulator. Learn how to manage your analytical system’s time delay with these tips.

From laboratory benches to busy manufacturing facilities and commercial fueling stations, industrial pressure regulators play a crucial role in ensuring fluids are contained and transferred under optimal pressures. If pressure cannot be properly controlled in these applications, test results may be invalidated, processes may be disrupted, equipment may be damaged, and personnel may be put at risk. You need to know the regulators in your system will consistently and accurately maintain pressure levels over extended operating lifespans—all without requiring frequent maintenance, repair, or replacement.
Swagelok pressure regulators provide the consistent, accurate, and lasting performance needed to operate fluid systems safely, reliably, and cost-effectively.
Learn How Regulators Perform
Swagelok has advisors on fluid systems located at authorized sales and service centers around the world to provide local support in choosing between a spring-loaded, a dome-loaded, or one of the many other available regulator configurations. These advisors can also help diagnose regulator problems and customize and build fluid systems that include regulators such as a gas distribution system.
Find out more about these services as well as related training classes available from Swagelok