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PTFE Core Hose

Swagelok® PTFE and PFA Core Hose

Swagelok PTFE and PFA core hoses’ long life, high flexibility, strong chemical resistance, enhanced permeation resistance, and ease of cleaning make them ideal choices for controlling costs in a broad range of general and specialty applications.

View PTFE and PFA Core Hoses

Swagelok PTFE and PFA hoses are available in smooth bore, convoluted, and hybrid options to meet varying cleanliness, flexibility, and permeation resistance needs. All Swagelok PTFE and PFA hoses are pressure tested to ensure they meet our strict quality standards. Select hoses can be constructed with carbon black filled core materials to provide static dissipation.

PTFE hoses can be heat-treated, or “sintered”, to improve permeation resistance, reducing costs and safety risks related to gas leaks. We offer slow-sintered or post-sintered options that limit gas leakage substantially better than non-sintered hoses, and our post-sintered hoses’ gas permeation resistance is among the best in the industry.

Swagelok PFA hoses’ smooth-bore core and flexibility make them ideal for sanitary applications. A smooth inner wall provides less restricted flow and enhanced drainability for precision and cleanliness. The silicone cover washes down easily to prevent bacterial buildup, protects stainless steel braiding, protects against burns, and helps maintain process temperatures.

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PTFE 和 PFA 软管类别

PFA 内管软管,光滑内孔

PFA 内管软管,光滑内孔

了解更多关于我们的 PFA 内层软管的更多信息,其光滑的内孔和易于清洁的表面使其成为要求符合 FDA 的卫生应用的理想选择。

PTFE 内管软管光滑内孔,带有 316L SS 波纹套

PTFE 内管软管光滑内孔,带有 316L SS 波纹套

在要求超高纯度且不希望渗透到大气中的应用情况下,可使用带有 316L 不锈钢波纹外层的 PTFE 光滑内层软管。

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,B 系列

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,B 系列

带 304 SS 编织层的 B 系列 PTFE 软管可确保化学相容性和压力控制。工作压力:真空至 3000 psig。可提供定制选项。

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,F 系列

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,F 系列

F 系列非金属 PTFE 软管带有不锈钢纤维编织层,抗扭结,具有柔韧性、化学相容性和各种端接。

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,S 系列

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,S 系列

探索 S 系列硅树脂外层 PTFE 光滑内孔软管,采用 304 SS 编织层,具有柔韧性、化学相容性并提供各种尺寸和端接方式。

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,T 系列

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,T 系列

浏览具有光滑内孔 PTFE(含氟聚合物)内管和 304 不锈钢编织层的软管选购件。

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,X 系列

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,X 系列

带有 304 SS 编织层的 X 系列 PTFE 软管具有柔韧性和化学相容性。尺寸:1/4 至 1 英寸,压力:真空至 3500 psig。可提供定制选项。

PTFE 内管软管,波纹

PTFE 内管软管,波纹

探索适用于需要低重量、柔韧性和化学相容性的应用场合的 PTFE(含氟聚合物)波纹内层软管选购件。

Hose and Flexible Tubing Catalogs

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Swagelok® Hose Advisory Services

Learn how to enhance your hose selection, installation, inspection, and maintenance procedures to improve hose life and performance, reducing costs in the process.

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Swagelok Resources Curated for You

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3 Steps to Hose Safety & Lower Plant Costs

Industrial hose safety is often deprioritized during regular plant maintenance. It is important hoses receive the attention they deserve—leaks and wear can put your facility at risk. Learn tips to avoid dangerous situations while lowering plant costs.

Industrial hose maintenance
How an Industrial Hose Maintenance Plan Could Save Your Plant Thousands

Knowing the proper time to replace your industrial hoses can save your plant thousands in maintenance costs. Learn how to evaluate your systems and develop a preventive maintenance plan to manage the health of your hoses.






波纹和光滑 PTFE 内层软管

波纹和光滑 PTFE 内层软管具有化学相容性、排水性,并且可实现精确的流量控制。提供适合特殊应用的静电消散、炭黑填充内管、符合 FDA 标准或通过 ECE R110 替代燃料认证的软管。选购件包括定制的软管长度、软管外层和多种端接。
