Swagelok® R series proportional relief valves open gradually as pressure increases, providing simple, reliable overpressure protection, protecting workers, and helping to maintain proper process conditions. Set pressures can be configured at the factory or easily adjusted in the field to suit changing operating conditions. Swagelok® RV series medium-pressure relief valves can be used in applications with operating pressures up to 20 000 psig (1378 bar).
Swagelok® PRV series proportional safety relief valves are certified to PED 2014/68/EU Category IV and CE-marked in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive as a safety valve according to ISO-4126-1. They are factory-set, tested, locked, and tagged with the set pressure.
Swagelok® BV series bleed valves can be used on instrumentation devices such as multivalve manifolds or gauge valves to allow safe removal of instruments and to assist in the calibration of control devices. They are available with low emission (Low-E) certification according to API 624 to combat fugitive emissions.
Swagelok® P series purge valves are manual bleed, vent, or drain valves. Knurled caps are permanently assembled to valve bodies for safety, and both bleed and purge valves are compact for convenient installation.
Want to know more about relief, bleed, or purge valves?
特点:气体和液体应用;工作压力:6000 psig (413 bar);设定压力为 145 至 6000 psig(10.0 至 413 bar);全 316L 不锈钢结构;1/4 至 1 in. NPT 和 ISO/BSP 平行螺纹端接;通过 PED 97/23/EC IV 类认证
工作压力达 10 000 psig (689 bar)。 温度达 850°F (454°C)。316 不锈钢,碳钢或 R-405 合金材料。
用于液体或气体 设定压力从 10 至 6000 psig (0.68 至 413 bar) 1/4 和 1/2 in. 和 6 至 12 mm 端接
特点:316 不锈钢结构;温度高达 1000°F (537°C);中压 (MP) 接头,尺寸范围 —1/4 到 1 英寸,压力额定值 — 高达 20 000 psig (1378 bar);高压 (HP) 接头,尺寸范围 — 1/4 到 9/16 英寸,压力额定值 — 高达 60 000 psig (4134 bar);NACE® MR0175/ISO15156 合规性


了解如何应用实用的 STAMPED 方法来选择适合您的工业流体或取样系统设计应用的阀门。

逸散性排放问题在化工和石油精炼行业中日益受到关注。通过认证的低排放 (Low-E) 阀可以保护您的设施和利润。在这篇文章中了解何为低排放、如何对其进行测试以及低排放如何为您提供帮助。


了解原子层沉积 (ALD) 阀门技术的创新如何改变高科技半导体制造商的游戏规则。

凭借从 10 至 6000 psig(0.7 至 413 bar)的设定压力范围,R 系列比例卸荷阀可为各种液体或气体一般工业应用提供简单可靠的过压保护。这种阀门会随着压力的升高而逐渐打开,并在系统压力降至设定压力以下时关闭。设定压力可以在出厂时设置,也可以在现场轻松调节。作为符合 ISO-4126-1 标准的安全阀,PRV系列比例安全卸荷阀已通过 压力设备指令的 PED 2014/68/EU IV 类 CE 认证,并在设定压力下进行了出厂设置、测试、锁定和挂牌。
世伟洛克排放阀可应用于仪表装置(如多阀阀组或压力表阀),以便在拆除仪表之前将引压信号管线压力排放到大气中或协助校准控制装置。NPT 和 SAE 外螺纹端接可供选择。吹扫阀是带有 NPT、SAE、世伟洛克卡套管接头或卡套管转换接头端接的手动排放、放空或排空阀。为安全起见,滚花帽永久地被装配在阀体上。排放和吹扫阀均结构紧凑,便于安装。