世伟洛克焊接系统,焊头适配接头电缆,旧到新 |
焊头适配接头电缆使用品类齐全的世伟洛克焊接工具和附件,有助于确保均匀一致的高品质轨道焊接,从而在各种焊接配置中实现准确且可重复的结果。 登录或注册查看价格 联系人如果您对本产品有疑问,请联系您当地的授权销售与服务中心。他们还可以告诉您有关支持服务的信息,帮助您获得最大的投资收益。
请务必查看全部产品目录内容以保证系统设计者和用户进行安全的产品选择。选择产品时,必须考虑总体系统设计以保证获得安全的、无故障的性能。功能、材料兼容性、充分的额定值、正确的安装、使用和维护是系统设计者和用户的重要责任。 警告: 请勿将世伟洛克产品或不符合工业设计标准的元件(包括世伟洛克卡套管接头端接)与其他制造商的产品或元件混用/互换。 |
电源可供用于可靠、稳定的轨道钨极气体保护电弧焊 ; 输出电流的峰值高达 200 A ; 多语种彩色触摸屏,易于使用 ; 集成式流体流量控制器可自动控制外径保护气体流量 ; 重量不足 50 lb (或 23 kg) ; 与世伟洛克焊接系统焊接头兼容
Features:Accommodates outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 1/2 in. and 3 to 12 mm; Bench top mounted fixture; Optical speed control—no tachometer or calibration required; Cycle life: 10 000 welds mean-time-to-maintenance (MTTM) for 1/4 in. diameter; 3000 welds MTTM for 1/2 in. diameter; Welding capability: 60 welds per hour for 1/4 in. diameter; 30 welds per hour for 1/2 in. diameter; Adjustable centering gauge included; Integrated work support system available
特点:可用于范围从 1 1/2 至 4 in. 和 38.1 至 114.3 mm 的卡套管外径,以及 1 1/4 至 4 in. 和 42.2 至 114.3 mm 的公称管直径;通用于多种行业
特点:可用于外径范围从 1/16 到 1/2 in. 和 2 到 12 mm 的卡套管;尺寸紧凑,易于进入有限的焊接空间;焊头包含间隙检测规、中心规、微型夹具工具、工具包和钨棒
Remove the two screws from the left side of power supply and discard.
This manual contains important information for the safe and effective operation of the Swagelok® Welding System M200 power supply. Users should read and understand its contents before operating the M200 power supply.
Available for tube outside diameters from 1/4 to 1 in. and 6 to 25 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
If you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.