世伟洛克 VCO® O 型圈面密封接头
VCO® O 型圈面密封接头易于装配,因此减少了安装时间,并且可以安装在空间受限的地方。这种接头适合在高至临界真空压力和宽温度范围内使用。
View VCO® O-Ring Face Seal FittingsSwagelok VCO® O-ring face seal fittings are suitable for use with high to critical vacuum pressures and over a wide range of temperatures. The captive O-ring responsible for sealing is completely contained in the fitting body for maximum efficiency, and a smooth finish on the gland face facilitates a positive seal. O-rings are available in a variety of materials to maximize system compatibility.
Our vacuum coupling O-ring (VCO®) fittings can be easily assembled, minimizing installation time and making them ideal for use in situations where components may require replacement or frequent service. They can also be used where space is a limitation, as no axial clearance is required for installation. Because the face seal fitting design has less area of entrapment and is cleaner than tube fittings, limiting the potential for contamination, Swagelok VCO® fittings are also compatible with high-purity applications.
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VCO O 型圈面密封接头目录


即使是有经验的专业人员也会遇到识别螺纹的困难。世伟洛克产品经理 Andy Hitchcock 解释如何使用游标卡尺、螺纹规和螺纹识别指南识别接头上的螺纹尺寸和螺距。



VCO O 型圈面密封接头
VCO® O 型圈面密封接头专为在通用工业、高压、高纯和临界真空应用中的公称管、卡套管和焊接系统中快速装配而设计。密封是通过接头本体中嵌入的O 型圈实现的,有多种材料可供选择。VCO 接头可轻松安装在有限的空间内,而无需轴向间隙。