切换用波纹管密封阀,BY 系列
Discover the BY Series Bellows-Sealed Valve for switching service. Compact, packless design with Torlon® stem guide for consistent shutoff.
Find high-quality components designed for optimal compatibility. Spare parts and accessories for stem tip kits, bellows kits, indicator switch kits, and gasket kits.
带辅助填料的高温波纹管阀,U 系列
Enhance reliability and versatility with Swagelok® U series bellows-sealed valves, which feature a secondary containment system that prevents atmospheric leaks.
Enhance your system's performance with high-quality pneumatic actuators for bellows-sealed valves, designed for reliable and precise fluid control.
波纹管密封多阀阀组,V3 系列
The Swagelok® 3-valve manifold uses bellows-sealed valves for systems with difficult fluid containment requirements.
计量波纹管阀,BM 系列
Reliable metering bellows valves feature a hardened stainless steel actuator, six-turn max flow, and slotted handles for screwdriver adjustments.
通用波纹管阀,B 和 H 系列
Ensure reliable shutoff with precision-formed metal bellows valves with gasketed or welded body-to-bellows seals and stem tips for regulating service.
高压波纹管阀,HB 系列
Explore high-pressure, pneumatically actuated bellows-sealed valves with all-metal seal to atmosphere and with full pressure rating in either direction.
高纯度波纹管阀,BN 系列
Discover high-purity valves with positive stem retraction, smooth actuation, and union bonnet construction for enhanced cycle life and cleanliness.
工作压力可达 1000 psig (68.9 bar); 温度达 482°C (900°F); 1/4、3/8、1/2 和 3/4 in.;6、10 和 12 mm 端接; 黄铜、不锈钢和合金 400 材料
测微计式手柄,能进行精确的、可重复的流量设定; 工作压力可达 700 psig (48.2 bar); 温度高达 482°C (900°F); 316 不锈钢结构
Features: Compact, packless valve switches flow from one line to another. Torlon® stem guide ensures proper alignment for consistent shutoff performance. Manual and spring-return and double-acting pneumatic actuators are available. End connections include 1/4 in. Swagelok® VCR® metal gasket face seal fittings and 1/4 in. Swagelok tube fittings.
无填料阀,全金属对大气密封; 工作压力达 3500 psig (241 bar); 温度达 204°C (400°F); VCR® 面密封接头,世伟洛克 (Swagelok®) 卡套管接头和焊接端接. 产品目录
波纹管上面有辅助密封系统, 工作压力可达 2500 psig (172 bar), 温度达 648°C (1200°F), 1/4、3/8、1/2、3/4 和 1 in.;6、10 和 12 mm 端接, 不锈钢材料
对大气全金属密封的无填料阀 ; 工作压力可达 500 psig (34.4 bar) ; 温度最高达 93°C (200°F) ; 1/4 至 1/2 in. 和 6 至 12 mm 端接
了解如何应用实用的 STAMPED 方法来选择适合您的工业流体或取样系统设计应用的阀门。
逸散性排放问题在化工和石油精炼行业中日益受到关注。通过认证的低排放 (Low-E) 阀可以保护您的设施和利润。在这篇文章中了解何为低排放、如何对其进行测试以及低排放如何为您提供帮助。
了解原子层沉积 (ALD) 阀门技术的创新如何改变高科技半导体制造商的游戏规则。