世伟洛克®锥面螺纹接头(IPT 系列)
我们的锥面及螺纹接头采用各种合金制成,可在不同的使用环境中提供可靠的性能。检漏孔是所有锥面螺纹连接的标配,使得验证接头是否正确安装变得非常简单。锥面螺纹接头的最大尺寸为 1 1/2 英寸,适用于压力高达 60000 psig (4134 bar) 的中高压应用。
View Cone and Thread FittingsCone and thread (C&T) connections have long been trusted to provide dependable medium- and high-pressure performance. Swagelok IPT series cone and thread fittings are available in 316 stainless steel, alloy 625, and alloy 2507 materials and in sizes from 1/4 in. up to 1 1/2 in. They can be used at temperatures up to 700°F (371°C).
Swagelok IPT series cone and thread fittings that meet NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 are available, as are anti-vibration connection components. Weep holes are standard on all pressure connections to make it simple to verify proper connection. Female medium- and high-pressure C&T fittings, adapters, and couplings are supplied complete with glands and collars except where noted.
Looking for more information about cone and thread fittings?
Cone and Thread Fittings Categories

Ensure reliable medium- and high-pressure connection performance with cone and thread (C&T) adapters.

Make a medium- or high-pressure connection between components through a partition with a bulkhead fitting.

Join together two pipes or tubes with a coupling, or short lengths of pipe or tube with a socket, at one or both ends.

Glands and Collars
Secure tubing with a collar and gland nut to create a seal against the coned surface of the fitting.

High-Pressure Cone and Ferrule Fittings, Sno-Trik
Withstand high pressures, vibrations, and impacts without leaking in demanding applications with high-pressure cone and ferrule fittings.
Swagelok® offers medium- and high-pressure fittings, tubing, valves, and related accessories with temperatures up 1000°F (537°C), pressure ratings up to 60 000 psig (4134 bar) in sizes ranging from 1/4 to to 1 in. for medium-pressure products and 1/4 to 9/16 in. for high-pressure products. NACE® MR0175/ISO15156 compliance is available.





了解与传统锥面螺纹接头相比,世伟洛克® FK 系列卡套管接头的安装方法。
锥面螺纹接头(IPT 系列)
锥面螺纹连接可提供可靠的中高压性能。锥面螺纹接头采用 316 不锈钢、625 合金和 2507 合金。提供符合 NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 标准的接头以及抗振动连接元件。