世伟洛克® 焊头
世伟洛克焊头可固定电极、对工件施力并确保焊接电流的流动。这些焊头专为可靠、一致的卡套管和公称管轨道气体保护钨极电弧焊 (GTAW) 而设计。它们设计精密、经久耐用,可确保每次都能获得高质量的焊接。我们的焊头具有焊接参数控制精确、设置简便、结构坚固等特点,可承受苛刻的环境。它们与各种焊接电源兼容,可根据具体项目需求进行定制。
这些焊头适用于外径为 1/16 至 4 英寸(2 至 114 mm)的卡套管。极化电源连接器可确保焊头与电源之间的正确连接。
微型 4 系列和 8 系列 | 适用于 1/16 至 1/2 in 和 2 至 12 mm 的外径 |
系列 5 | 适用于 1/8 至 5/8 in 和 3 至 17.3 mm 的外径 |
8HPH 系列高性能 | 适用于 1/8 至 1/2 in 和 3 至 12 mm 的外径 |
系列 10 | 适用于 1/4 至 1 in 和 6 至 25 mm 的外径 |
系列 20 | 适用于 1/2 至 2 in 和 12 至 52 mm 的外径 |
系列 40 | 适用于外径为 1 1/2 至 4 in 和 38.1 至 114.3 mm 的卡套管,以及 1 1/4 至 4 in 和 42.2 至 114.3 mm 的公称管 |
Features:Accommodates outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 1/2 in. and 3 to 12 mm; Bench top mounted fixture; Optical speed control—no tachometer or calibration required; Cycle life: 10 000 welds mean-time-to-maintenance (MTTM) for 1/4 in. diameter; 3000 welds MTTM for 1/2 in. diameter; Welding capability: 60 welds per hour for 1/4 in. diameter; 30 welds per hour for 1/2 in. diameter; Adjustable centering gauge included; Integrated work support system available
Available for tube outside diameters from 1/4 to 1 in. and 6 to 25 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
Features: Is available for outside tube diameters ranging from 1 1/2 to 4 in. and 38.1 to 114.3 mm and pipe diameters ranging from 1 1/4 to 4 in. and 42.2 to 114.3 mm; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
Features: Is available for outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 5/8 in. and 3 to 17.3 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
Features: Available for tube outside diameters ranging from 1/16 to 1/2 in. and 2 to 12 mm; Features a compact size for easy access to confined welding areas; Weld head includes arc gap gauge, centering gauge, micro fixture tool, tool package, and tungsten electrodes
Features: Is available for outside diameters ranging from 1/2 to 2 in. and 12 to 52 mm; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries; Weld head includes arc gap gauge, tool package, and tungsten electrodes



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