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世伟洛克® PTFE 和 PFA 内管软管

世伟洛克 PTFE 和 PFA 内芯软管具有使用寿命长、柔韧性高、耐化学腐蚀性强、抗渗透性强和易于清洁等特点,是在各种一般和特殊应用中控制成本的理想选择。

查看 PTFE 和 PFA 内管软管

世伟洛克 PTFE 和 PFA 软管提供光滑内孔、波纹和混合型选购件,以满足不同的清洁度、柔韧性和抗渗透性需求。所有世伟洛克 PTFE 和 PFA 软管均经过压力测试,以确保符合我们严格的质量标准。部分软管可使用碳黑填充内管材料,以实现静电消散

PTFE 软管可进行热处理或“烧结”,以提高抗渗透性,降低成本和与气体泄漏有关的安全风险。我们提供慢烧结或后烧结选择,其限制气体泄漏的性能大大优于非烧结软管,而且我们的后烧结软管的抗气体渗透性在业内名列前茅。

世伟洛克 PFA 软管的光滑内孔内管和柔韧性使其成为卫生应用的理想选择。光滑的内壁可减少流动限制并提高排水性,从而实现精确度和清洁度。硅胶外层容易清洗,防止细菌堆积,保护不锈钢编织层,防止烧灼,并有助于保持工艺温度。



PTFE and PFA Hose Categories

PFA Core Hose Smooth Bore

PFA Core Hose Smooth Bore

Learn more about our PFA core hose, whose smooth-bore core and easy-to-clean surface makes it ideal for sanitary applications requiring FDA compliance.

PTFE Core Hose Convoluted

PTFE Core Hose Convoluted

Explore convoluted PTFE (fluoropolymer) core hose options for applications where low weight, flexibility, and chemical compatibility are necessary.

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore with 316L SS Convoluted Cover

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore with 316L SS Convoluted Cover

Use PTFE smooth bore core hose with a 316L stainless steel convoluted cover where ultra-high purity is critical and permeation to the atmosphere is undesirable.

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, B-Series

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, B-Series

The B series PTFE hose with 304 SS braid ensures chemical compatibility and pressure containment. Working pressures: vacuum to 3000 psig. Custom options available.

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, F-Series

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, F-Series

The F series nonmetallic PTFE hose with fiber stainless steel braid resists kinking and offers flexibility, chemical compatibility, and various end connections.

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, S-Series

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, S-Series

探索 S 系列硅树脂外层 PTFE 光滑内孔软管,采用 304 SS 编织层,具有柔韧性、化学相容性并提供各种尺寸和端接方式。

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, T-Series

PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore, T-Series

Browse hose options that have a smooth-bore PTFE (fluoropolymer) core and a protective 304 stainless steel braid layer.

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,X 系列

PTFE 内管软管,光滑内孔,X 系列

带有 304 SS 编织层的 X 系列 PTFE 软管具有柔韧性和化学相容性。尺寸:1/4 至 1 英寸,压力:真空至 3500 psig。可提供定制选项。












industrial hose replacement material considerations
Industrial Hose Replacement: Core Tube Material Considerations

When selecting an industrial hose, the first place to start is the core tube—the hose’s innermost layer. Learn how to select the ideal hose for your application with information on core tube materials & wall construction from the experts at Swagelok.

Industrial hose reinforcement types
How to Select the Right Hose Reinforcement

Industrial hoses typically contain critical reinforcement layers that contribute to longevity and performance. Learn about different reinforcement layer types and which is best suited for different fluid system applications.

Convoluted and smooth PTFE core hose

Convoluted and Smooth PTFE Core Hose

Convoluted and smooth PTFE core hoses provide chemical compatibility, drainability, and precise flow control. Static-dissipative, carbon-black filled core, FDA-compliant, or ECE R110 alternative fuel certified hoses for use in specialty applications are available. Options include custom hose lengths, hose covers, and a range of end connections.
